Russian Navy Diver
Russian Navy diver works to recover space capsule after splashdown off Washington coast.
Photography by Robert Sorbo
Russian Navy diver works to recover space capsule after splashdown off Washington coast.
Television news crews cover the arrival of a T-Rex replica at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle.
A firefighter looks on during a training fire at a middle school slated for demolition.
A Navy crew member is welcomed home by his daughter, upon arrival in Whidbey Is., Washington.
The Dalai Lama during a visit to Seattle.
The Dalai Lama meets with local school children during a visit to Seattle.
Rev. Desmond Tutu gives a speech during a visit to Seattle.
Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz pictured inside a cafe in Seattle.
Microsoft founder and CEO Bill Gates announces retirement.
Boeing Dreamliner during rollout ceremonies in Everett, Washington.
Mariners pitcher Randy Johnson celebrates win.
Yukari Nakano, of Japan, performs in the ladies short program at Skate America international figure skating competition in Everett, Washington
Keith Richards and Ron Wood preform during a concert by the Rolling Stones in Seattle.
The Police in concert in Seattle.
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana in concert in Seattle.
Tomb of Vladimir Lenin in Moscow, Russia.
Riders on a subway in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Two women look out a window on Valaam Is. on Lake Ladoga, in Russia.
A World War II veteran is pictured during a war rememberance celebration in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Enviromental activist and artist, Asante Riverwind.